Bloodforme iOS and Android App
iPhone app
If you have iPhone, click download button to install Bloodforme application in your iphone

Android App
If you have Android phone, click download button down below to install Bloodforme app for your phone.

How many contacts do you have stored in your mobile app? Well, it might be 200 to even 1000 or may be more. I do have around 800 contacts stored in my iPhone. But the real question here is, do you know what is their blood group?
This is a problem only when we are in need of blood donors. We start searching for the donors but normally it is really hard. What if you can find blood donors from your families, relatives or friend? Wouldn’t that be great?
Well, no worries, BloodForMe does exactly the same. It helps you to find your blood group of those which are stored within your mobile’s contact list. Just the thing you need to do is, install the app and register.
Your registration will help your families and friends. It is highly recommended to register at least. Because at the time of need, they are going to get help or sharing such app might help you sometime in future.
I hope this application is helpful to some at the time of need. Share this app as far as possible. This is at least what we can do to help our society to find blood donors. There are so many people still in search of blood donors. And they find so hard. But with the help of this app, it might be ease for finders.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/blood4me
Give Blood Save Lives