Connect printer from any router [POS] [Thermal] [Kitchen]

Connect printer from any router [POS] [Thermal] [Kitchen]

If you are working on setting architecture to print KOT, BOT or just a simple bill from any tablets and from any router, then you are at right place ?. Today, I will show you architecture to setup this scenario. For better understanding, please have a look on following flow diagram.

Flow Diagram

Flow Diagram


  • Get internet connection and connect it to your main router.
  • Access your secondary router from ip address. Eg.
  • Go to DHCP section and turn off DHCP settings.
  • Now, connect your secondary router with primary router by a ethernet cable.
    • This will help you generate ip addresses based on primary router rather than generating ip address from secondary router.

Well, that’s all you are done configuring network setup. Now you will be able to access printer either from primary or secondary router.

I was trying to set this up and was successful implementing it. So, I decided to share with you all. I hope this is helpful to you. Don’t forget to share it. Someone might need it ?.


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