Resolving Laravel Component Loading Issues on Case-Sensitive Servers

Resolving Laravel Component Loading Issues on Case-Sensitive Servers


When deploying a Laravel application to a case-sensitive file system (e.g., Linux-based hosting environments like cPanel), Blade components may fail to render even though they work perfectly on local development environments.

For example, the following Blade component fails to load:

<x-report.due-collection-report :dueCollections="$due_collections" />

You may encounter symptoms such as:

  1. The component’s constructor is not called.
  2. Data passed to the component ($dueCollections) is null or inaccessible.
  3. No error messages, making debugging difficult.

Root Cause:

The issue arises due to case sensitivity in file systems used by Linux servers. Laravel’s component discovery mechanism expects the folder and namespace structure to match precisely.

In the example above, the component file was located in:

  • NamespaceApp\View\Components\report (lowercase report)
  • Blade fileresources/views/components/report/due-collection-report.blade.php

This works on local development environments (like macOS or Windows) due to case-insensitive file systems. However, on the server’s case-sensitive file system, Laravel fails to locate the component because:

  1. The namespace folder report does not match the PascalCase convention Report.
  2. Laravel caches incorrect paths due to previously loaded files.


Step 1: Fix the Folder and Namespace Case

Ensure the folder and namespace use the same case and follow Laravel’s conventions:

  1. Rename the folder to Report (PascalCase) in:
    • app/View/Components/Report/
  2. Update the namespace in the component class file (DueCollectionReport.php) to:
  1. Confirm that the Blade file is correctly located at:
    • resources/views/components/report/due-collection-report.blade.php (all lowercase for Blade view folders).

Step 2: Clear Laravel Caches

After making changes, clear Laravel’s cached views, configurations, and routes to ensure the updated paths and namespaces are recognized:

php artisan view:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan route:clear

Step 3: Verify the Component Call

Ensure the Blade component is called with the correct syntax:

<x-report.due-collection-report :dueCollections="$due_collections" />

Additional Debugging Steps

If the issue persists, you can try the following:

  1. Check for Automatic Component Discovery
    Laravel automatically resolves components under the App\View\Components namespace. If your component is not loading:
    • Verify that the folder structure and namespace are correct.
    • Use the php artisan view:clear command to reset view cache.
  2. Manually Register Components (Optional)
    If automatic discovery fails, you can manually register the component in the AppServiceProvider:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;

public function boot()
    Blade::component('report.due-collection-report', \App\View\Components\Report\DueCollectionReport::class);
  1. Ensure File Changes Are Uploaded
    After renaming folders and files locally, ensure the changes are correctly reflected on the server. Use an FTP client or SSH to confirm the folder and file structure.
  2. Check Server Logs
    Check Laravel logs (storage/logs/laravel.log) and PHP error logs for potential clues.


By renaming the folder and namespace to match Laravel’s conventions and clearing cached configurations, the issue was resolved. This highlights the importance of adhering to naming conventions, especially when deploying to case-sensitive servers.

Always verify file paths and namespaces, clear caches after making changes, and test thoroughly in both local and hosted environments.

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