Access and transfer backup files from one server to other directly and fast

Access and transfer backup files from one server to other directly and fast

Today, I am going to show you how to transfer files or backup file from one server to another server directly without need to download from one server and upload to another server. Here are steps you can follow.

  1. SSH to your source server from where you want to transfer datas to another server.
ssh -p port_numer username@ip_or_domain_name -vvv
#-vvv to see in detail what's going on.
  1. Now let’s write a command to transfer file (.tar.gz file for now as example).
scp -P port_number "backup_file.tar.gz" username@ip_or_domain_name:~/backup_file_path
#port_number should be the destination server's port number. It is the same port which you use to access the server.

That’s all ?. So easy right. This helped me a lot to transfer file fast. Hope this will help you. If so, don’t forget to share it.


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