Stuck on Verifying app – authenticating with the App Store… ??

Stuck on Verifying app – authenticating with the App Store… ??

Are you stuck on verifying app - authenticating with the App Storeā€¦ If so, you are in the right place to fix the issue. I tried to fix it by various approaches which are as follows:

But nothing worked for me. Well, I managed to find a solution. Now let’s get into the solution. Please follow these steps to upload your build to App Store.

  • First of all you will need to login to
    • Under Security, click Generate Password...
    • Give a label as you want.
    • Click Create button.
    • Now you will see the app-specific password. Copy that password.
  • Export your .ipa file from Xcode first.
  • Open terminal/iterm and type following command
    • xcrun altool –upload-app -f /location-to-your-ipa-file/app-name.ipaĀ  -t platform -u your_email_address -p app-specific-password
    • Tips
      • Type xcrun altool --upload-app -f
      • Click and drag .ipa file to terminal
      • And paste -t platform -u your_email_address -p app-specific-password
  • Done.

Worried about password visibility?

Donā€™t worry, I have a solution for that ?. We won’t type password, instead we will store password in keychain and will access keychain in terminal command. How to do? Here is 1 line command to store password to keychain.

xcrun altool --store-password-in-keychain-item "any_name_to_get_password" -u "app_store_email_address" -p your_app_specific_password

Once you hit above command, you will add password to keychain successfully. Now, let hit command to upload your build file.

xcrun altool --upload-app -t ios -f path_to_your_ipa_file  -u app_store_email_address -p "@keychain:any_name_to_get_password"

Now, people near you wont be able to see your password. Isn’t that great? Hehe.

One more thing

If you want to enable debug mode just add --verbose add the end of the command and you will see all details which runs in the background.

Now you will be able to upload the build. I was able to upload the build using this approach. Let me know this was helpful or not. If there is any issue, you can ask me from comment section down below.


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