
Generate iOS/macOS/watchOS App Icon without software or online tools.
You might have installed application like Prepo. But there are not all icon I needed. There are other application too but was paid. Just for this, I wanted to do it free. Are you searching free too? Well, you are the right place. I will show you free version and do some modification as you needed.
- Copy this code
#!/bin/bash set -e spushd() { pushd "$1" 2>&1> /dev/null } spopd() { popd 2>&1> /dev/null } info() { local green="\033[1;32m" local normal="\033[0m" echo -e "[${green}INFO${normal}] $1" } cmdcheck() { command -v $1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { error >&2 "Please install command $1 first."; exit 1; } } error() { local red="\033[1;31m" local normal="\033[0m" echo -e "[${red}ERROR${normal}] $1" } warn() { local yellow="\033[1;33m" local normal="\033[0m" echo -e "[${yellow}WARNING${normal}] $1" } yesno() { while true;do read -p "$1 (y/n)" yn case $yn in [Yy]) $2;break;; [Nn]) exit;; *) echo 'please enter y or n.' esac done } curdir() { if [ ${0:0:1} = '/' ] || [ ${0:0:1} = '~' ]; then echo "$(dirname $0)" elif [ -L $0 ];then name=`readlink $0` echo $(dirname $name) else echo "`pwd`/$(dirname $0)" fi } myos() { echo `uname|tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"` } ######################################### ### GROBLE DEFINE ### ######################################### VERSION=2.0.0 AUTHOR=smallmuou MODIFIED=immortalsantee ######################################### ### ARG PARSER ### ######################################### usage() { prog=`basename $0` cat << EOF $prog version $VERSION by $AUTHOR modified by $MODIFIED USAGE: $prog [OPTIONS] srcfile dstpath DESCRIPTION: This script aim to generate iOS/macOS/watchOS APP icons more easier and simply. srcfile - The source png image. Preferably above 1024x1024 dstpath - The destination path where the icons generate to. OPTIONS: -h Show this help message and exit EXAMPLES: - ./$prog 1024.png ~/123 - sh $prog 1024.png ~/123 - bash $prog 1024.png ~/123 EOF exit 1 } while getopts 'h' arg; do case $arg in h) usage ;; ?) # OPTARG usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) [ $# -ne 2 ] && usage ######################################### ### MAIN ENTRY ### ######################################### cmdcheck sips src_file=$1 # source path dst_path=$2 # destination path # check source file [ ! -f "$src_file" ] && { error "The source file $src_file does not exist, please check it."; exit -1; } # check width and height of source file provided src_width=`sips -g pixelWidth $src_file 2>/dev/null|awk '/pixelWidth:/{print $NF}'` src_height=`sips -g pixelHeight $src_file 2>/dev/null|awk '/pixelHeight:/{print $NF}'` [ -z "$src_width" ] && { error "The source file $src_file is not a image file, please check it."; exit -1; } if [ $src_width -ne $src_height ];then warn "The height and width of the source image are different, will cause image deformation." fi # create dst directory [ ! -d "$dst_path" ] && mkdir -p "$dst_path" # ios sizes refer to # macos sizes refer to # watchos sizes refer to # # # name size sizes_mapper=`cat << EOF Icon-16 16 Icon-16@2x 32 Icon-32 32 Icon-32@2x 64 Icon-128 128 Icon-128@2x 256 Icon-256 256 Icon-256@2x 512 Icon-512 512 Icon-512@2x 1024 Icon-20 20 Icon-20@2x 40 Icon-20@3x 60 Icon-29 29 Icon-29@2x 58 Icon-29@3x 87 Icon-40 40 Icon-40@2x 80 Icon-40@3x 120 Icon-60@2x 120 Icon-60@3x 180 Icon-76 76 Icon-76@2x 152 Icon-83.5@2x 167 Icon-1024 1024 Icon-24@2x 48 Icon-27.5@2x 55 Icon-86@2x 172 Icon-98@2x 196 Icon-108@2x 216 Icon-44@2x 88 Icon-50@2x 100 EOF` OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' srgb_profile='/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc' for line in $sizes_mapper do name=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'` size=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` info "Generate $name.png ..." if [ -f $srgb_profile ];then sips --matchTo '/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc' -z $size $size $src_file --out $dst_path/$name.png >/dev/null 2>&1 else sips -z $size $size $src_file --out $dst_path/$name.png >/dev/null fi done info "Congratulation. All icons for iOS/macOS/watchOS APP are generate to the directory: $dst_path." IFS=$OLD_IFS
- Once you copy the code, open terminal and enter following command.
nano /usr/local/bin/smicon
- You will see old fashioned text editor. Just press
to paste the code. - After pasting the code, follow these steps.
- Press
- Press
- Press
- Press
Now you can execute smicon
command from anywhere. This means, you have installed the app. here are the steps to create app icon.
- cd directory/to/your/appicon/folder
bash smicon app.png ./
- ./ is your destination path. It will generate files in current folder.
- You can also type
smicon app.png ./convert
- ./convert creates a folder with name
- ./convert creates a folder with name

If you want to add new sizes you can add as shown in image.

And boom🤯💥. That’s all. Let me know if you find any issue. I will help you. 👽.
Santosh Maharjan
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