Sometimes, you want to share your code with the world but don’t want them to access your code. Well, if you are thinking the same, this article is for you. […]
How to create archive using terminal
Sometime you might like to create an archive without using Xcode interface with just one command using a terminal. Well, if you are searching something like this, you are at […]
How to save UIBezierPath in UserDefaults in swift.
If you want to save BezierPath in user defaults, here is the code you could find helpful. You might want to do this while creating drawing iOS application where you […]
Screenshot taking a very long time to appear on desktop in Mac?
Many people are facing a delay in saving screenshots, photos, videos or any other files on Mac desktop. If you are facing this problem, most probably, for example, the screenshots would take […]
What happens when someone knows your apple id and password?
It is very important that you keep your apple id and password only with you otherwise here are the things that could happen to you. Lock your iPhone from anywhere. Change your iPhone […]
Now you can watch video offline in Netflix
Now Netflix user can download movies and shows on their device to watch them later. Currently, all movies and shows are not downloadable. However, with time Netflix will increase the number. […]
Enable or Disable Flash Light in Silence Mode : New Feature in iOS 10
Now you can turn on LED Flash for alerts on Silent mode too. Here is how you can do it. Goto Settings >> General >> LED Flash for Alerts Now turn on […]
Best email app for iOS.
Spark is one of the best email app out there. It supports Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, iCloud, Outlook and other IMAP providers. I am using spark for long time and I really […]
Hide show desktop icons instantly on Mac.
Here we go! The solution without any softwares to hide and show desktop application ?. Open Terminal or iTerm. Goto desktop. Here is the code : “cd ~/desktop“. Now copy and paste this line of […]