Hello guys, Let me tell you something regarding overriding which might be helpful to you guys. Basically, override is used within derive class where you want to use parent class’s […]
Debugging technique for swift programming language using xCode.
As an iOS developer you might have used lots of technique while dealing with issues on apps. There are many debugging tools and techniques that you can use. But today […]
Why apple didn’t provided isTimeZoneAutomatic() method?
As a developer, you might sometime want to have a method which will let you know if the user has changed the system time or not. This method will be […]
Remove audio track in QuickTime?
You can record iPhone screen using QuickTime Player. But sometimes you might forget to uncheck microphone and start recording iPhone. Later you recognized that you have recorded audio as well. […]
How to determine if iPhone is locked or not in Today Extension (Widget)?
Hello guys. Today I am going to tell you how to detect if the device is locked or not from today extension or some people call it widget. Apple has […]
Using Eddystone beacon in iOS swift. How is the experience?
This my experience regarding using Eddystone beacon. I purchased eddystone beacon from ebay and tried to integrate with my iOS application. I used this beacon to identify certain location. For […]
UserDefaults not clearing datas immediately using suite name: App Group
I created this post when I got and issue on trying to clear UserDefault values. Here is my problem scenario. Trying to save if user is logged in or not […]
extensionContext is nil from a presented view controller
At time when you are wokring in today extension you will face this issue where self.extensionContext.open doesn’t work or let’s say self.extensionContext is nil from presented view controller. Initially I […]
SMS pin code UIView for Storyboard on Xcode
Are you looking for library which simply embeds UITextField from your own design done in storyboard? Well, then you are right place. Just download this repo and you will get an […]