You might be using Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel with following line of code to export report. If so, for less data, this is not an issue. But if you want to download large […]
DOMDocument::loadHTML(): error parsing attribute name in Entity, line: 1
You might get this issue while trying to download report in Laravel. Please note, this issue fix is only with the platform Laravel and while trying to download your data […]
‘RLMException’, reason: ‘Object has been deleted or invalidated.’ [iOS] [Realm]
Are you fetching datas from server and just converting it to realm object without saving in local database. And at certain action, for example, click favorite button, you want to […]
Laravel validation
Are you trying to validate most of the form request directly from Validator? Well, I do have a solution for that which will make you easy on validation instead of […]
php artisan tinker – mkdir(): Permission denied in shared server
Just a simple note if you are having issue on permission while running tinker in shared server. The solution is very simple yet effective ?. Steps Create .psysh.php file in […]
Cron Job
Here are some information I have gathered required for cron job. Hope this will help you. ? Cron Job List Open cron job editor Disable mail alerts Adding job Click […]
Valet – Laravel – Mysql – Phpmyadmin
Here are some helpful tips that I have gathered while trying to install valet in my project. I faced so many problems just trying to use valet. But you don’t […]
Import .sql file from terminal [Fast] [Way]
Are you trying to import .sql file? Are you trying to import it from phpmyadmin? Is your .sql file’s size greater than the limit? Here I am about to show […]
Access and transfer backup files from one server to other directly and fast
Today, I am going to show you how to transfer files or backup file from one server to another server directly without need to download from one server and upload […]