Realm is really simple and powerful tool for developers to deal with local database. I highly recommend to use realm. Let’s go directly to the problem guys. Realm provides inverse […]
App gone free December 22, 2018
Here are new apps and games for iOS devices which gone free as per date Dec 22, 2018. Please download them soon before they go paid again. Blink – Quick […]
Copy & Paste from iPhone to Mac doesn’t work (Universal Clipboard)?
Apple’s default universal clipboard feature is awesome. It really makes our work better and faster increasing our day to day usage and productivity. It is used either to copy text, […]
Hey siri, send my current location to…
How to send my current location using Siri? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you can ask Siri to send your current location to someone else? Onviously, it would be great. […]
How to find iPhone using Siri
Doing most of the work Siri is quite impression. And introducing Siri Shortcuts app has done lot more to customize Siri command ourself. However, today I am going to tell […]
Does Google ad use your microphone and listen to you from iPhone and Android?
Now a days you can see there are lots of iPhone and Android applications out there in play store and app store where you can download apps and games free […]
Complete and Partial Override Implementation in Swift.
Hello guys, Let me tell you something regarding overriding which might be helpful to you guys. Basically, override is used within derive class where you want to use parent class’s […]
Debugging technique for swift programming language using xCode.
As an iOS developer you might have used lots of technique while dealing with issues on apps. There are many debugging tools and techniques that you can use. But today […]
Why apple didn’t provided isTimeZoneAutomatic() method?
As a developer, you might sometime want to have a method which will let you know if the user has changed the system time or not. This method will be […]